Share Your Gifts

The World Is Eagerly Awaiting Your Unique Yogic Wisdom.


Our goal at YpY is to create a network of yoga professionals who wish to share their expertise with fellow educators easily and affordably. We passionately believe that yogis are meant to guide human evolution and elevate consciousness, but this is not a journey that we are meant to take alone. Ready to share your gifts with the world and awaken a revolution of mind, body, and spirit? Join us and share that spark of infinite knowledge that only you possess.

The world is eagerly awaiting your unique yogic wisdom.

Yoga is not exclusively taught in the studio, and the mastery of its practice extends far beyond the mat. Yoga instructors are always seeking valuable content to grow their business and master their practice.
YpY welcomes writers, educators, artists, and business consultants to join us in assisting yoga professionals in maximizing their outreach and impact. Earn extra income and serve the yogi fellowship by sharing your unique talents at NO cost to you.

We can help each other heal the world.

A true master is not one who assumes they know it all, but one who recognizes that there is always room to grow.
Yoga teacher training is evidence that education can be a transformative way to nurture oneself. To better serve others, we must also continually nourish our minds with high-quality instructional material that sets our hearts on fire and reminds us why we were drawn to the practice in the first place. Every individual has a unique understanding of the life-altering influence of yoga, and it is your divine duty to bestow that knowledge upon the yoga community so it can reach the students that need it most.
Individually we can influence a class of students, but together we can transform the world.




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