Frequently Asked Questions And Help


YpY is a network for yoga professionals to buy and sell yoga training resources as well as other educational elements that may benefit a yoga practice such as aromatherapy, holistic healing, and more. Here at YpY, we recognize that yoga is a lifestyle that extends beyond the mat and welcome educational resources from all trades that can add value to a yoga practice.

What can you sell on YpY?

YpY is a network for yoga professionals to buy and sell yoga training resources as well as other educational elements that may benefit a yoga practice such as aromatherapy, holistic healing, and more. Here at YpY, we recognize that yoga is a lifestyle that extends beyond the mat and welcome educational resources from all trades that can add value to a yoga practice.

How do you set the price on what you are selling?

We welcome you to set your own price but kindly ask that you don’t offer the same content somewhere else for less.

Who can sell on YpY?

We encourage all yoga and wellness professionals who provide empowering and informative content to join our collective web of knowledge.


Ahimsa (non-harming or non-violence in thought, word, and deed)
Be kind and helpful when posting comments.

Satya (truthfulness)
Be transparent and honest about what your resource includes.

Asteya (non-stealing)
Sell only original content that you’ve designed.

Brahmacharya (‘right use of energy’)
Honor your time and talent.

Aparigraha (non-greed or non-hoarding)
YpY was established to unite the collective consciousness within the yoga community through unique educational content produced by yoga professionals, for yoga professionals. It’s free to join; all that we ask is for you to come with an open heart, humble ego, and an eager mind.

Saucha (cleanliness)
Present your material in an intuitive, easy to read, and use format. Update and correct your content as necessary.

Santosha (contentment)
Be open to growth and discovery in all aspects of education.

Tapas (discipline, austerity or ‘burning enthusiasm’)
Trust that your talent lives where your passion grows. We welcome users to share their personal websites and social media accounts to further connect with fellow yogis.

Svadhyaya (study of the self and of the texts)
Find and/or provide resources to help others on the path of yoga and self-healing.

Isvara Pranidhana (surrender to a higher being, or contemplation of a higher power)
Dwell in the delightful awareness of being an intricate component of the growth and expansion of consciousness! Namaste!



Don’t exchange or solicit to email addresses. You are, however, welcome and encouraged to plug your website, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, or any other social or business accounts you may have.

Don’t provide material that requires extra steps. All digital resources should be fully accessible from YpY; unless that resource exceeds our 1GB file limit for Premium Sellers.

We only accept original content. If you have created a resource that was made available for sale on another platform, it is not eligible to be sold on YpY.

Respect the time and money of our YpY community and do not sell unoriginal content that can be found for free or less elsewhere on the internet.

Make sure that all content on YpY is respectful to all members.