Main Address

Yoga Studio
85 Fentiman Ave Ottawa,
ON K1S 0T7

Open Hours

Monday – Friday
8.00 am – 5.00 pm,
Weekend Closed

Phone & E-mail

Phone: 1-800-64-38
Fax: 1-800-64-39,


Mornings, 8 am – 12 noon
Afternoons, 1 pm – 5 pm,
Full Day, 8 am – 5 pm

We want to hear from you!

Walk down the path of infinite wisdom and inspire others by buying and selling unique content designed to help yogis further understand their practice and grow their business.

Use your yoga certification to deepen the knowledge of yoga.

Writers, Educators, Artists, and Business consultants are needed to help yoga teachers be their best. Earn extra income sharing your yoga printables or quickly find what you need. Keep your passion for yoga fresh. Share your light with other yoga teachers. Someone is looking for your engaging teaching material.

Not all yoga is taught in the studio. Teach here at YpY in any format that works for you. We are all obligated to express our creativity and our gifts. Here’s your place to share what you do best. No cost to begin offering your talents.

How can we help you?

If you have questions about buying or selling yoga related teaching materials on YpY, please fill out the form below and we’ll respond shortly.