Spreading The Light Of Yogis


YpY is a network for yoga professionals to buy and sell yoga training resources as well as other educational elements that may benefit a yoga practice such as aromatherapy, holistic healing, and more. Here at YpY, we recognize that yoga is a lifestyle that extends beyond the mat and welcome educational resources from all trades that can add value to a yoga practice.


We aspire to help yoga teachers share their talents through a virtual yoga marketplace that allows you to buy and sell valuable educational information that is exclusive to YpY.


We intend to maintain an intuitive and easy to use platform that takes the guesswork out of finding educational material and allows you to focus on better serving yourself and your community through methods of natural healing.


As yoga practitioners, we continuously work to grow in all sectors of the ethical practices of the Yamas and Niyamas.

About Teri and her mission.

Yoga has always been an inclination of my heart. I first began teaching yoga in 2006 while also teaching middle-school science in Grand Junction, Colorado. Eager to combine my fondness for the practice with my zest for educating others, I managed to fuse my two passions and now run a small yoga school out of my home.Soon after embarking on this transition to a full-time yoga educator, it became evident that finding wellness and yoga education material within the field that is individualized, collaborative, and student-led wasn’t widely available. I found myself spending countless hours scouring the internet, wondering why there wasn’t an intuitive and easily accessible resource for people who wanted to learn specific information or gain a deeper understanding of the practice.

I decided to create a virtual resource for yoga professionals who are committed to continuing their education for not only themselves, but to better understand the needs of their students.

It’s my goal to offer intuitive and accessible yoga resources by harnessing the untapped power of the collective consciousness that the yoga community already holds. I invite you to come, learn, share, and carry out your commitment to serving the world through natural healing.


Yogis have been divinely entrusted to drive human evolution.

If there is one prominent lesson that I’ve uncovered during my own yoga practice, it’s that we bring out the best in ourselves and each other by following the eight limbs. Let’s join together in sharing our invaluable gifts with the world, and strive together to accelerate human consciousness with grace and everlasting unity.A note to buyers,
Are you ready to rise up to the old adage “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear?” I hope you find our comprehensive list of resources helpful in your path of pedagogy. If you have any suggestions on how we can strengthen our educational library, we would love to hear your suggestions at yogispayyogi@gmail.com

A note to sellers,
Here at YpY, we believe that your time, talent, and generosity should be honored. Please be assured that our SEO optimization will allow your resources to be easily visible to those who seek it, making it a worthwhile experience for all parties involved.


Teri Ciocco
Owner of Yogis pay Yogi

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